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All Collections💊 Maximus Building Blocks
🧐 What are the ingredients?
🧐 What are the ingredients?

Maximus Building Blocks

Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over a week ago
  • Vitamin A (Palmitate): 900 mcg

  • Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol): 250 mcg/10000 IU

  • Vitamin K2/MK-7 (Menaquinone-7 as MenaQ7®): 200 mcg

  • Vitamin E tocotrienols (“DeltaGOLD®” 90% delta-tocotrienol &

    10% gamma-tocotrienol): 50 mg

  • Geranylgeraniol (“GG-Gold®”): 100 mg

  • B-vitamins

  • Magnesium N-Acetyltaurinate: 45 mg

  • Zinc (Bisglycinate Chelate): 40 mg

  • Copper (Bisglycinate Chelate): 2 mg
    Saffron (“SaffSerene™”): 15 mg

For an even further breakdown of these vitamins and minerals please visit:

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