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❓ FAQ's & Logistics
❓ FAQ's & Logistics

Common questions before you get started and throughout your journey with Maximus

Do you offer a Military or Veteran discount?
Privacy Statements
Upload your own labs to Elation (Desktop Version for Patient)
How does the subscription billing cycle work?
Can I use my own Pharmacy?
Do I need to take the lab test fasted?
I had third party Free testosterone test done to validate your results, they are vastly different??
Can I pay for only the medication?
I'm not receiving email notifications
I have sickle cell disease type SC, can I use your protocols?
Contact Us
Can you take your test if you have covid?
Can I receive a refund for my purchase?
How to join multi-month plan?
What To Do If HSA/FSA Is Being Rejected
SERMs(selective estrogen receptor modulators) are on the World Anti-Doping Agency List
Can you ship 6-months of medication at once?
Are there any affects of Gynecomastia?
Can I take Raloxifene to treat gynecomastia and take it with Enclomiphene?
How can I reduce SHBG?
Is situational anxiety significantly lowered & more manageable on the protocol?
I only have 1 kidney. How does the Testosterone Protocol clear? Liver? Kidney?
What is your method of controlling high SHBG with Enclomiphene?
Does high blood pressure exclude me from the Testosterone Optimizing Protocols?
Can I use the EP Protocol if my body no longer produces testosterone? (hypogonadism)
I read that there was a phase three clinical trial for Enclomiphene and the FDA didn't approve it, why is that?
Will I need to discontinue use of ashwaghanda before getting a baseline?
Do I need to stop my supplements?
Does the Testosterone Protocol suppress your own GnRh?
Is it safe to take Testosterone-Optimizing Protocols (Enclomiphene + Pregnenolone / Oral TRT+) together with Weight Loss Protocol?
Can increased T Levels improve cardiovascular health?